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Yearly Archives: 2009

Exercise on implementing collaborations with ObjectTeams/Java

Introduction ObjectTeams/Java (OT/J) is an extension to Java programming language that facilitates roles and collaborations as the first class language constructs. This article is an exercise on using (OT/J) for implementing collaborations. Subject area This exercise considers two bank operations – money transfer and fund cashing. The course of events for these two operations is […]

Using Java langauge constructs to define static graphs and trees

This article suggests an approach on adapting the Java programming language for defining static graphs and trees, gives an exercise on defining a microwave finite state automaton (FSA) using this approach and provides code sample for processing graph definitions

A convenient approach on keeping SQL in Java

Where to keep SQL statements? This question arises almost for any more-less sophisticated Java application that accesses DBMS. Two most common approaches are: (1) as string constants in Java and (2) as text in external files. Both these approaches have significant drawbacks. Java strings get complicated when a string is too long to fit in […]

Theoretical aspects of dimming an incandescent lamp

Abstract A dimmer is an electronic device that controls alternate voltage applied to a lamp through delivering a selected portion of the mains sinusoid. Engineer, designing a dimmer needs to estimate how big this portion should be to get a desired luminance level. This article uses a model of incandescent lamp, tungsten resistivity, and human […]

Customizing ErWin templates for PostgreSQL

ErWin 7.2 does not provide support for PostgreSQL, indeed with few tricks it still can be used to model database and generate valid SQL code.