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Category Archives: Projects

Overclocking COM port

Most of recent mainstream motherboards have USART chip supporting speeds above 115200. However, there are few obstacles.

SISAM Overview

SISAM – SImple SAMpler – is a simple PIC-based hardware for precision dual channel data acquiring with moderate resolution (up to 500 ksps in continous mode and up to 5 Msps for very short sequence). It uses USART and SSP for sampling signals and software routines for RS232 communication. USART is configured for synchronous master […]

SISAM Command Language

This chapter describes SISAM Command Language, provides Command Language BNF and describes SISAM responses

SISAM Hardware

SISAM Hardware schematic is given on Figure 1. Besides the MCU PIC16F690 it includes a 20 MHz crystal and a RS232 matching circuit.

A disciplined approach for decomposing MP ASM project onto modules

MP ASM does not provide good facilities for creating well organized modules and defining interfaces like high-level languages do. The following approach may help you to fill this lacuna. 

High speed RS232 for PIC

Abstract In this article author considers aspects of implementing RS-232 communication routines in Microchip PIC microcontroller’s software, describes technique to achieve high speed (>=115200) of transmitting and receiving data, dwells on hardware (CTS/RTS) flow control and illustrates how assembler macro may be used to generate transmitter and receiver routines for any given speed at any […]