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SISAM Command Language

This chapter describes SISAM Command Language, provides Command Language BNF and describes SISAM responses

Command Language Overview

SISAM supports the following commands

? Display name and firmware version
H Display help message
S<sync> Sample sole channel
X<sync> Sample dual channels
J<sync> Capture (sample to buffer)
M<sync> Measure (time) pulses on RC5
O<data> Immediate output <data> byte to actuator’s pins
o<data> Set <data> to be put on actuator’s pins right before sampling
r<data> Set sampling rate
U<test><speed> Test RS communication at the specified speed by sending sequence of characters
<sync> = 0 – start immediatelly
<sync> = 1 – sync – e.g. start with first non-zero octet
<speed> = 0: 112K, 1: 225K, 2:450K, 3:900K
<data> = 0..F,00..FF
<test> = 0..F

Command Language BNF

<commands> ::= <command> [ <dlm> <commands> ]
<command> ::= <info> | <help> | <sample1> | <sample2> | <capture> | <measure> | <setrate> | <immediate> | <actuate> | <test>
<info> ::= ?
<help> ::= H
<test> ::= U<testid><speed>
<sample1> ::= S<sync>
<sample2> ::= X<sync>
<capture> ::= J<sync>
<measure> ::= M<data>
<setrate> ::= r<data>
<immediate> ::= O<data>
<actuate> ::= o<data>
<data> ::= <nibble>[<nibble>] // less significant comes first
<sync> ::= <nibble>
<speed> ::= <nibble>
<testid> ::= <nibble>
<nibble> ::= 0 .. 9 | A .. F
<dlm> ::= CR | ";" | ","

SISAM Response Syntax

<response> ::= <tag><id>["-"<message>][":"<data>]
<tag> ::= Y | Q | N
<id> ::= 0..F | 00..FF
<message> Human readbale message
<data> Extra message data
Message tags
Information or confirmation message
Warning message
Error message
Sample message tags with IDs
List of supported capabilities
COM port mode for data transfer

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