Sunday, December 17, 2023
C++ allows declaring functions as constexpr
. Such functions could be evaluated at compile time and used, for example in if constexpr(...)
. However, a non-constexpr function in this context is not allowed.
So, if we want to write a template, accepting a function and using it in either if constexpr(...)
or old plain if(...)
we need to test whether the function is constexpr, otherwise compile fails as illustrated below:
C++ does not allow using string literals as case values in a switch statement. In modern C++ this restriction can be worked around with constexpr hash values.
This simple C++17 template implements constexpr any_of
for matching a value against a list of constants.
COJSON library is also available as Arduino Studio .ZIP library:
Filed in cojson
Tagged Arduino, ARM, ATmega, avr, C++, Cortex-M0, Cortex-M4, embedded, embedded systems, json, JSON for embedded systems, json parser, json serializer, low end MCU, MCU
C++17 has simplified use of template parameters. Instructions, given in this tutorial, describes how to define
JSON model with cojson::autos templates.
Note: GCC 7 or higher is required to compile cojson_autos.hpp !
cojson v.2 offers an easy start option by using C++ code automatically generated from a JSON sample the user needs to parse or to write.
To use this option just open codegen page, load or copy-&-paste your JSON and copy-&-paste or save the generated C++ code.
And then build your application with cojson sources .
Filed in cojson
Tagged Arduino, ARM, ATmega, avr, C++, cojson, embedded systems, json, JSON for embedded systems, json parser, json serializer, low end MCU, MCU
Saturday, October 6, 2018
PSoC — Programmable System on Chip - is an ARM Cortex based family of MCUs
(wiki) by Cypress Semiconductor.
Cypress offers developers a dedicated IDE - PSoC Creator. Unfortunately, PSoC Creator, (as of version 4.2) does not support
C++, despite the underlying GGC Toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gcc-5.4) has C++ support at descent level.
PSoC Creator has an option for migrating to Eclipse CDT IDE, however, migrated projects has no C++ support either
This post explains how to enable C++ for PSoC projects, imported in Eclipse CDT IDE.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
This post describes how to build OpenSplice DDS for LinkIt Smart 7688 and other OpenWRT targets
(usbplusplus) is a C++14 template library that gives the user a simple and error-prone way for defining USB descriptors, suitable for embedded projects.