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Tag Archives: ARM
COJSON library for Arduino
Friday, October 19, 2018
COJSON library is also available as Arduino Studio .ZIP library:
COJSON Code Generator
Monday, October 8, 2018
cojson v.2 offers an easy start option by using C++ code automatically generated from a JSON sample the user needs to parse or to write. To use this option just open codegen page, load or copy-&-paste your JSON and copy-&-paste or save the generated C++ code. And then build your application with cojson sources .
Enabling C++ for PSoC projects
Saturday, October 6, 2018
PSoC — Programmable System on Chip - is an ARM Cortex based family of MCUs (wiki) by Cypress Semiconductor. Cypress offers developers a dedicated IDE - PSoC Creator. Unfortunately, PSoC Creator, (as of version 4.2) does not support C++, despite the underlying GGC Toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gcc-5.4) has C++ support at descent level. PSoC Creator has an […]
μcuREST Tutorial
Monday, April 17, 2017
Getting Started With μcuREST you can implement REST services and/or a web application for communication with your embedded application. First you’ll need to decide which resources (variables or functions of your application) you wish to expose via HTTP and assign URI to those resources. Then define a μcuRESTresource map, binding URI names to the resources. […]
μcuREST – an application server for constrained platforms
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Introduction μcuREST (micurest) is a C++11 library for implementing REST services on constrained platforms, such as bare metal applications on low-end MCUs. The library is platform-agnostic, zero-allocation, and has almost no external dependencies. It allows mapping hierarchically organized URIs to C/C++ variables, constants and methods, and exposing the URIs via HTTP protocol.
cojson tutorial v2.0
Monday, October 19, 2015
1. Getting Started For a quick start the easiest way is using codegen. Paste you JSON into the left editor, hit button Run and collect results in the right editor. Adjust options if necessary and build with your application. With instructions, given in this tutorial, you may manually craft or adjust auto-generated structure of your […]
cojson – a JSON parser for constrained platforms
Friday, October 16, 2015
Introduction cojson is a C++ pull-type JSON parser/serializer for constrained platforms, such as bare metal applications on low-end MCUs. It does not use memory allocation and has almost no external dependencies. It is not intrusive – it neither forces nor implies any particular design of the application. Instead it adapts to fit any existing application […]