Customizing ErWin templates for PostgreSQL
ErWin 7.2 does not provide support for PostgreSQL, indeed with few tricks it still can be used to model database and generate valid SQL code.
(Note: In ErWin 7.3 templates look very different from 7.2, but nevertheless, I believe, similar approach still can be applied).
Trick 1. Use Oracle 10.x as the target DBMS
PostgreSQL has common ideology with Oracle and, in my opinion, is the best choice for PostgreSQL needs.
Trick 2. Fix syntax differences
I have encoundered two syntax differences – in the order designator in the column specifier of CREATE INDEX
statement and extra parenthesis in ALTER TABLE ADD CONSTRAINT
Following samples illustrate what causes PostgreSQL to fail with generated code:
CREATE INDEX Publisher_xIF1 ON Publisher (PublisherID ASC);
This can be fixed by altering ErWin FE template as the following:
2.1. Copy and rename Oracle.erwin_fe_template
to Postgre.erwin_fe_template
and then open it in a text editor.
2.2. Find
SPItemBegin = KeyGroupMembers
2.3. Below that find and remove line containing [" " PropertyValueX("Key Group Sort Order")]
2.4. Find"ADD " "(" IsNotNullX(ExecuteX("FKConstraint"),"") ")"
2.5. Remove "(" ")" , so it looks like the following:"ADD " IsNotNullX(ExecuteX("FKConstraint"),"")
2.6. Switch you project to use this template
(Tools>Forward Engineer>Scema Generation; Database template – Browse; select Postgre.erwin_fe_template)
These two tricks are essential to produce valid SQL code from an ErWin model that contain no Oracle specific features, like table partitions, logging, validation, etc. If you already have an Oracle model which you prefer to keep intact and still be able to generate SQL for Postgress, you will need to void all parts of FE template responsible for Oracle specific features.
Trick 3. Implement use of INHERITS for subtype relationships
This part is optional and necessary if you really need to use table inheritance.
3.1. Find first occurrence of [ExecuteX("EndOfStatementX")] after SPItemBegin = Create Entity
3.2. Add [ExecuteX("Extra Properties")] before [ExecuteX("EndOfStatementX")]
[ExecuteX("Table Properties")]
[ExecuteX("Extra Properties")]
3.3. At the end of the file add
SPItemBegin = Extra Properties
ForEachVectorReferenceX("Child Relations Ref")
[ IsPropertyEqual("Type","9")
PushReferenceX("Parent Entity Ref")
[ [OwnerX"."]PhysicalNameX ]
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