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Logovod – macro-free allocation-free user-configurable logger front-end for C++

1. Features

logovod features

  1. Three styles of use — with functions, ostream left shifts, format string
  2. Automatic space insertion of functional style
  3. Automatic printing of standard containers, tuples, variants, optional
  4. Compile or run-time priority levels
  5. Compile or run-time sinks
  6. Constrained message length
  7. Support for wide-char streams
  8. Priority levels according to RFC-5424 section-6.2.1


is_constexpr – a template to test if a function is constexpr

C++ allows declaring functions as constexpr. Such functions could be evaluated at compile time and used, for example in if constexpr(...). However, a non-constexpr function in this context is not allowed.
So, if we want to write a template, accepting a function and using it in either if constexpr(...) or old plain if(...) we need to test whether the function is constexpr, otherwise compile fails as illustrated below:

setof – an iterable set of strongly typed enumerations

This post suggests an implementation of template class setof which facilitates features of a bit set and a forward-iterable container.

C++ switch with textual cases

C++ does not allow using string literals as case values in a switch statement. In modern C++ this restriction can be worked around with constexpr hash values.

any_of<c1, …, c2>(v)

This simple C++17 template implements constexpr any_of for matching a value against a list of constants.

COJSON library for Arduino

COJSON library is also available as Arduino Studio .ZIP library:


cojson tutorial for C++17

C++17 has simplified use of template parameters. Instructions, given in this tutorial, describes how to define JSON model with cojson::autos templates.
Note: GCC 7 or higher is required to compile cojson_autos.hpp !


COJSON Code Generator

cojson v.2 offers an easy start option by using C++ code automatically generated from a JSON sample the user needs to parse or to write.
To use this option just open codegen page, load or copy-&-paste your JSON and copy-&-paste or save the generated C++ code.
And then build your application with cojson sources .


Enabling C++ for PSoC projects

PSoCProgrammable System on Chip - is an ARM Cortex based family of MCUs (wiki) by Cypress Semiconductor. Cypress offers developers a dedicated IDE - PSoC Creator. Unfortunately, PSoC Creator, (as of version 4.2) does not support C++, despite the underlying GGC Toolchain (arm-none-eabi-gcc-5.4) has C++ support at descent level.

PSoC Creator has an option for migrating to Eclipse CDT IDE, however, migrated projects has no C++ support either

This post explains how to enable C++ for PSoC projects, imported in Eclipse CDT IDE.


Building OpenSplice DDS for LinkIt Smart 7688 (and other OpenWRT on MIPS)

This post describes how to build OpenSplice DDS for LinkIt Smart 7688 and other OpenWRT targets