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USB++ a C++14 template library for handy descriptor definition


USB++ (usbplusplus) is a C++14 template library that gives the user a simple and error-prone way for defining USB descriptors, suitable for embedded projects.


VLC multiroom

VLC-multiroom is a shell script that on a Linux-based media computer configures systemd to run multiple VLC Media Player instances for audio playback via all available ALSA sound cards and for web based remote control with a purpose to make the media computer the core of a multiroom audio system.

Building MiniDLNA for OpenIndiana

MiniDLNA is a lightweight media server available for Linux platforms. It also may work on a wider range of Unix systems, but that capability does not come out of the box.

This post provides some instructions on building MiniDLNA on OpenIndiana, Hipster release.


μcuREST Tutorial

Getting Started

With μcuREST you can implement REST services and/or a web application for communication with your embedded application. First you’ll need to decide which resources (variables or functions of your application) you wish to expose via HTTP and assign URI to those resources. Then define a μcuRESTresource map, binding URI names to the resources. Use this map to instantiate a micurest::application and start a network stack for that application.


Cascaded Configuration Sets for C++1y


Preprocessor macros are widely used in C++ for configuring reusable modules, targeting different platforms or working around compiler’s differences. Such approach is inherited from C and used even in modern pure C++ libraries, such as boost.

The aim of this work is to research on suitability of C++ templates and language features for establishing and maintaining compile time configuration of run-time values without use of the preprocessor. Although there are many disputes on advantages and disadvantages of templates vs macros, author’s belief is templates are better in many cases just because they are the first class citizens of C++ language.


μcuREST – an application server for constrained platforms


μcuREST (micurest) is a C++11 library for implementing REST services on constrained platforms, such as bare metal applications on low-end MCUs. The library is platform-agnostic, zero-allocation, and has almost no external dependencies. It allows mapping hierarchically organized URIs to C/C++ variables, constants and methods, and exposing the URIs via HTTP protocol.


USBUART is a cross-platform libusb-based library for reading/wring data via USB-UART adapters with Android support.
It implements a relay from endpoints of a USB-UART converter to a pair of I/O resources, either appointed by given file descriptors, or created inside the library with pipe(2). User application may then use standard I/O operations for reading and writing data.

cojson tutorial v2.0

1. Getting Started

For a quick start the easiest way is using codegen. Paste you JSON into the left editor, hit button Run and collect results in the right editor. Adjust options if necessary and build with your application.

With instructions, given in this tutorial, you may manually craft or adjust auto-generated structure of your JSON object by mapping its elements to cojson elements, bind them to members of your C++ class (see Section 2), implement the interfaces for the data streams you have, and build cojson library with your application (see Section 3).


cojson – a JSON parser for constrained platforms


cojson is a C++ pull-type JSON parser/serializer for constrained platforms, such as bare metal applications on low-end MCUs. It does not use memory allocation and has almost no external dependencies. It is not intrusive – it neither forces nor implies any particular design of the application. Instead it adapts to fit any existing application code. It is tolerant to data type mismatching. When such occurs, parser just skips mismatching data and makes best efforts to continue parsing. The parser is recursive, e.g. nested JSON elements are handled with the recursion. However, this recursion is driven by the structure definition, not by the input data, which prevents stack faults on malformed input data.

cojson is character type neutral – it can work with signed or unsigned character, as well as with standard wide character types: wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t. It is also transparent for UTF8 and properly handles BOM sequence.


Моторес додаток для Android смартфону



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