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Author Archives: Eugene

MIHA675 – Multi Input Hall Automaton

Previous examples illustrated VELOOS programming aspects. This post provides an example of using object oriented paradigm for designing VELOOS application. Unlike the previous examples which were purely programming exercises, this example is dedicated to a utilitarian home appliance application and provides a "reference design" for VELOOS applications.

VELOOS Example 3

This example for PIC12F675 implements set of “actuators” and “generators” controlled via USART. Actuators produce one 300 ms pulse when it receives command ‘ON’ and three 100 ms pulses delimited with 100 ms spaces (pauses) on command ‘OFF’. Generators, when turned on, produce pulses and spaces of the specified duration (1..255).

VELOOS 1.0 released

VELOOS is an object-oriented message-triggered cooperative operating system for 8-bit Microchip microcontrollers licensed to public under the Open Software License Release 1.0 includes VELOOS kernel and two timer drivers (TMR0 and TMR2 based). It has been tested on the following devices: PIC12F675, PIC16F690, PIC18F248. Download VELOOS v.1.0

VELOOS Example 2

This post continues series of examples and describes how VELOOS can be used for implementing time-triggered applications.

VELOOS Example 1

The previous post gave a brief introduction to VELOOS design idea. VELOOS assumes that an application is decomposed on PDOs (Process Data Objects). This post describes by example features provided by VELOOS for implementing PDO.

Very Low Overhead Operating System

VELOOS – Very Low Overhead Operating System VELOOS is a message-triggered cooperative operating system designed to run in places were a large vehicles can not run. Its implementation for PIC12F takes less than 200 instructions and 20 data registers1. With addition of a timer driver, it becomes a time-triggered RTOS.

Random theses

This post collects and organizes discussion theses posted on different forums.

e# language vision as an 'embryonic development' story

In this post I present my vision of e# reflected through history of assemblers. For each stage in the assemblers’ history I am providing presumptive equivalents in e#, incrementing the complexity of each next example.

Benefits of using e#

I envision the following benefits of using e# It will allow writing better quality code in shorter time It will reduce maintenance cost by providing abilities for regression testing (on a simulator or in-circuit debugger) It will reduce impact of migrating to another device/platform

e# roadmap

Refine vision Establish requirements Design a device metamodel